Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Good news, bad news

Well, the good news is that I never went negavtive on my account, because my phone bill was listed in 'pending' when my deposits went through. Yay. I called them today to verify how it works and that I wouldn't be charged.

So the bad news is I had a card on my door last night from a sheriff's deputy, meaning I probably have a summons for a cheque I wrote last summer (and paid off in November). So I need to check on that. Hopefully it will be dismissed, since I paid it so long ago. I'm really trying to be good. The only cheques I write these days are to the bank directly for cash when I'm getting a money order for rent, etc. Debit cards make things so much easier (so long as you keep the receipts, which I'm pretty good at). And I check pretty regualarly to make sure I'm in line with the bank. So I'm getting this whole-balancing-the-account thing down. It's about time; I'm almost 40.

I have another interview at the public library today. I'm in the outfit my mom bought me (I hemmed the pants this morning). It's brown pants, a gold crossover top, and a gold faux-suade overshirt that has a belt that ties around it or you can wear it loose or without the belt. I prefer it loose. I'm really not sure about the colours, but I've gotten several compliments today about it. I blew-dried my hair and put product in it this morning. I don't know if anyone can tell. I'll put some makeup on before I leave.

That's all for now in the saga that is Lisa/Eilir. Have a good day.

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