Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I just woke up after sleeping five straight hours in the afternoon, so I could get some ibuprofen and eat something. With being sick I had sadly gotten off my meds, and so I was sick, tired, getting somewhat depressed and labile, and my blood sugar was 332. Now it's about 100 points down from that and I feel better, just really tired and stuffy, with a headache, sore eyes, and a nose sore from blowing.

I should stay up for awhile, watch something or maybe read some more of the book I've been reading, Alex Ford's The Friend Request (which every user of Facebook should read, although it's only on eReaders like the Kindle and Nook for now). It's about a man who worms his way into a classmate's past to try to destroy his life, using Facebook to gather information about him and the people around him. It amazes me how many stupid people (well, in this case, I'm afraid it's stupid Americans) rate the book poorly on grammar because they haven't any idea of this thing called British English, that it exists, that Americans are the ones who changed their spelling, and that the spellings in Britain are also used in, oh, the entire rest of the world. And the sad thing is they have no idea they're being the 'Ugly American' and stupid to boot.

Thing is, when I'm sick, I don't really feel like doing much of anything. I can maybe watch something; that's passive. And I read on the bus to pass time. But generally I want to just curl up in bed and rest as much as possible. That's what I'm doing today, in the hopes of being better tomorrow.

Okay, I've reached my limit of writing for now. I think I'll go back to bed for awhile. The computer screen is hurting my eyes.

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