Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, September 22, 2011

As might be obvious

I am having insomnia, brought on by having caffeine for the first time in days. Lying in bed, the sheets making contact with my legs almost feel like something's crawling on them. I figure if I have this sort of reaction to too much caffeine, imagine what heavy-duty stimulants would do. Glad I've never had the desire to find out.

I probably should have taken it easy with the soda. That's what happens, you see, I get very low on cash and don't drink sodas (I don't do coffee or tea), and then I get paid and it's all feast and famine, and then I don't sleep.

Oh, well. I'll try to go back and lie down again. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and then I have to pick up my insulin pens and another type of medicine, and from there go to work.

I am not a particularly neat person at home; I hoard, I generate clutter, I'm often just a slob. But at work my desk is always very neat for some reason. I guess I can manage such a small space, and it bothers me to see it cluttered. Today I looked around and it's the worse it's been, perhaps ever. Mail stacked up, sheets just put in no particular place, etc. It's because I've been sick. I'll sort it all out tomorrow, I think. And I've nearly let several plants die here and my kitchen is a wreck since I actually used something other than the microwave when there was almost no food. Fortunately I'm going to the grocery with friends tomorrow so I can rectify that.

Ah, blessed payday. Of course, I've got it mostly spent already and it's not actually official till tomorrow. A big chunk happens to be medicine. Now that my flexible spending account is exhausted, the co-pays add up quickly--most of my meds have co-pays of $50 each. I looked into a programme I'd found for a friend that provides six-month supplies of medicines at a reduced cost, but now that I'm full time, I think I make just over what you can for that, so no such luck. :(

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