Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I am soaked to the skin, especially on the back side of my body

the front being merely damp. I stood for a half hour (with an umbrella, mind you) in a driving downpour waiting for the bus.

However, I'm not going to complain, because it could be coming down as snow, since this is the southern swing of the storm causing major ice and snow over a 2100 mile stretch of the US, and look at the people of Australia, who are fleeing a major cyclone when their land is already waterlogged from flooding rains. So yes, it could be much, much worse. Still, I'm going to curl up in the comfy chair under the Snuggie and try to get warm.

Oh, and here's a NOAA picture of the US storm, which may affect up to a 100 million people, or a third of the US population:

Wow! Can I just say I'm glad it's 50-something degrees outside? It seemed much colder out in the wet and wind, but at least it's keeping the snow at bay.

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