Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, September 05, 2010

We didin't play the game today

But I still went over early and cleaned, then came home about 4:30, meaning I got home about 6 pm, and I just crashed for four hours--which brings my sleep for the last 24 hours up to about 8 1/2 hours, so I needed it.

It was so strange being home in the evening on a Sunday, but kind of nice. The weather was beautiful today, although this morning I could have used a jacket, as it was pretty chilly at 6 am.

I tried calling my mom earlier but couldn't reach her. I'm not sure if she gets her voicemail or not; she once mentioned that she had trouble reaching it. So at this point I don't know if I'm going to Danville or not tomorrow. We'll see. If not, I'll work on the house. Goodness knows, it needs it, and I still have to sort through the things from the closet to see if anything's salvageable, although I'm starting to think it's a no.

I'm making some macaroni and cheese, which is about all I have in the house. I don't really cook, as you can probably guess, although today I made a poached egg on toast for someone using directions in an old Betty Crocker cookbook and got a compliment. Apparently I did it right the first time. So maybe there's hope of me learning to cook. My friend, who is an excellent cook, has offered to teach me. It's kind of funny--I was in Future Homemakers of America and took quite a bit home oeconomics in junior high and high school, but they mainly teach you to bake, not cook. They certainly didn't teach you to cook anything like meat, which is expensive compared to baking materials. Of course, I'll probably never learn to cook much meat, being a pseudo-vegetarian, although I need to learn to cook fish. I've had some success broiling it before. I'd love to learn to do salmon steaks, maybe marinated. Mmmm...maybe grilled. We have charcoal grills around the apartment complex and although they've been used for meat I could line them with aluminum foil. Of course fire, charcoal, and I are probably a dangerous combination. Maybe I'll leave grilling to someone else, and just keep to baking and broiling my fish.

I'm still a bit groggy from such a long nap. I think I'll go check the news (my Google Reader queue was quite long yesterday, and I haven't done anything to bring it down). I may blog some more but if not, good night.

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