Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

You learn something new every day

AskOxford: Are spellings like 'privatize' and 'organize' Americanisms?

The answer is no, and they go on to explain why. Readers of this blog will note that in general even though I am an American, I uses British English in spelling and grammar, although I use American names for things. I believe in using International English, as we are a global oeconomy and increasingly a global culture. So I use the spellings and grammar more popular in English around the globe. I tend to believe that Americans as a whole are a little too provincial, and I never really agreed with Webster and Dewey in their attempts to standardise our orthography anyway, so my spelling is sometimes a little idiosyncratic, as I prefer some archaic spellings, such as Aegypt. I do at least try to remain consistent.

And yes, I'm also a pretentious git who likes to be special. But I've done it for so long (much of my reading is British, for example, so I was exposed to the alternate spellings and tended to incorporate them) that it's hard not to now. But what can I say? I love words, I love their meanings, and I love spelling them the way I do.

By the way, for a really fun word-of-the-day (I find most of the general ones contain words I know. I want to learn more obscure words) try: Worthless Word of the Day. Today's Worthless Word?
the worthless word for the day is: noctuary

[fr. L. noctu, by night + Eng. -ary; after diary]
archaic a journal of nocturnal incidents

"It stands thus in a diary or rather noctuary of
dreams." - Robert Southey, Omniana (1812)

"When we had proceeded for a considerable time,
(at least so it appeared to me, for minutes are hours
in the noctuary of terror,--terror has no diary), ..."
- Charles Maturin, Melmoth the Wanderer (1998)

See, isn't that fun? Much better than the OED's word today, interpolation.

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