Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Somehow, despite my love for historical fiction

and things like The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, and the Little House on the Prarie series, I never found Anne of Green Gables as a child, which in retrospect is rather sad, as I seem to have had an abiding similarity to Anne Shirley in terms of personality, felt quite lonely as a child, never could think of myself as beautiful (ironically, I wanted red hair and green eyes!), and I never quite found a place I could really bloom in; I would have so identified with her then. But I am discovering that as an adult, the draw is still quite strong. I am only a couple of chapters in to the first book and already I'm quite captivated, and it has helped me return to that intelligent, imaginative, talkative child I once was, and see her as beautiful, too.

If you're a fan of the books (because probably I'm the last woman in North America who had not read them), you might want to check out the Prince Edward Island: A Virtual Green Gables site.

If you haven't read the book, check it out at your local library or even read the Project Gutenberg version (they also have some of the sequels).

I for one, am going back to my book. 'Night.

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