Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Ever have a moment when you realise

there are so many similarities between someone you know and a famous person from history that you begin to wonder if one is a reincarnation of the other?

Beyond a passing physical resemblance, which of course has no bearing on the situation, I give you:

  1. One was Russian, the other received a degree in Russia and travelled there.
  2. Both were interested in esoteric subjects.
  3. One became Buddhist, the other had Buddhist and Taoist leanings. Both were non-traditional in their religious beliefs and studied pagan practices.
  4. Both had similar difficulties with their mothers.
  5. Both had fathers in the military.
  6. Both entered short-lived marriages by age 18.
  7. Both travelled extensively and were enamoured with the mysteries of the East, such as Tibet or Nepal.
  8. Both had personalities that were charming yet volatile.
  9. Both conceived a child with tragic outcome.
  10. Both were characterised as having 'stubbornness, a fiery temper, and a disregard for social norms'.
  11. Both had unusual, potentially psychic experiences.
  12. Both were gifted writers.
  13. Both sought to break the traditional bonds of women.
  14. Both tended to engender either love or hate, and occasional controversy.

Kind of creepy, hmm?

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