Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, March 19, 2016

I'm still not exactly sure

What is causing my wrist pain,  but I went in to the doctor today and got some x-rays and a referral to an orthopaedist.  I should know more Monday.  Meanwhile,  I'm supposed to wear my brace and take anti-inflammatory medicine and if needed,  the Percocet that I already have at night.  I do know the pain is on the ulnar side,  and the ulnar nerve is apparently irritated or compressed. My hand is a little swollen as well.  So anyway,  the bracing is helping.  The pain actually went dull rather than sharp for a little while,  with some ibuprofen.  It doesn't cut it completely,  but it does take the edge off the pain.  If I take just ibuprofen at night,  though,  the pain keeps me from sleeping or wakes me up. It's radiating up into my shoulder and down into my ring and little fingers and into my palm,  as well.  So we'll see.  Hopefully I didn't somehow break it.  Maybe it's a sprain or something minor, something that won't last too long and will clear up quickly without becoming chronic.  Hey,  a girl can dream.

Okay,  it's hurting to hold the phone to blog.  I'm putting on the night splint and calling it a day.  Good night.

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