Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, April 23, 2010

Librarians get good press in the Chronicle of Higher Education

An English Scholar Under a (Volcanic) Cloud
Joseph Bristow has been stranded in Ireland since a volcanic ash cloud halted air travel in Britain. Mr. Bristow, a professor of English at the University of California at Los Angeles, went to Ireland for a conference and to meet with researchers there. Then, last week, the now-infamous volcano in Iceland erupted. Mr. Bristow stopped to talk to The Chronicle by cellphone Wednesday while visiting a cathedral in Galway.

Says Professor Bristow, when asked whether he'd kept up with work back at UCLA:
My laptop crashed and I needed unrestricted access to e-mail. I thought if I went to [the Mary Immaculate] campus, I might get some help. The librarians were unfailingly helpful. They gave me access in their reference area to e-mail. I must have spent about five to six hours on e-mail, especially with my students.

Thanks to Martin at LISNews for the link.

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