Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 26, 2010

I finally got to see Doctor Who 'The Eleventh Hour'

and I must say I enjoyed it immensely. Amy is very plucky. Matt Smith captured the newly-regenerated-have-no-idea-who-I'll-be aspect of the Doctor rather well and then came to something more whole at the end, just as he's meant to. And he does do the 'madman in a box' well too. I think it will be a fun ride. I haven't seen the next episode yet (I have it on DVR), but I don't feel up to it tonight. Still, it put me in a lovely mood.

PS You have to admire a companion who will knock you up side the head with a cricket bat and then handcuff you to a radiator. The Doctor hasn't had enough of that (but I'm sure Donna would have).

I came across this montage of David Tennant moments from the last season. I hope you enjoy:

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