Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 26, 2010

I feel all herb-y

It's 7 pm and I've finally taken a shower after being in bed for most of the day. I have a new rosemary and mint shampoo and pomegranate and lemon verbena bath wash, so I smell like some mixture of herbs and fruit.

I still feel awful, though. Warm water just helps a bit.

My only link to the outside world today was YKWIA, who'd asked me to look up some Arabic translations of English words for him. Now, I don't know Arabic (just some Hebrew), and it was pretty challenging since I needed the transliterations (he does know a little Arabic and can transliterate, but wanted to bypass that step if possible) and those are somewhat hard to come by on the Internet, but I succeeded. I swear it's good that he has a personal librarian--he's come close to breaking librarians on those occasions he calls the public library with rather esoteric questions.

I really want to do something, but I'm so tired. I think I'll play a little Freecell and try not to go back to sleep so I can sleep tonight.

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