Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I believe that was my point

A few months ago, I expressed my dismay at the so-called 'Ashley Treatment' in which a young disabled girl, among other things, was given a hysterectomy.

Children's Hospital admits it broke state law with girl's surgery:
But 'miscommunication' to blame; facility argues it made right decision

At the time I felt that her rights were being violated, and that it was a step back to a time when developmentally disabled patients were routinely sterilised.

Now, apparently, it also violated the law of the state of Washington. They should have sought a court order, something the hospital ethics committee suggested but which was ignored because a lawyer had given the family a letter stating that it was not needed.

So there will be an intensive review of the case to find out where the communication broke down, what measures should be in place to ensure the rights of the disabled, etc. Which is all to the good, I think.

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