Legend has it if you catch a leprechaun he is honor bound to grant you a single wish, even as far as to give up his pot of gold. A single wish. The Jin of Aladdin’s tales grant three—room enough to correct mistakes. With a single wish, however, there is no going back. You hold in your grip a spry little man with beard and curls of amber. Annoyed at being caught he glares up at you demanding: 'Aye. What shall ye be wishing then, hey?' A single wish. Think carefully before you answer.
There is someone in my family who has spent years with a very difficult and debilitating illness. I would wish that he were healthy and able to do the things he wants to do.
Things I wouldn't wish for:
- World peace: You never know, humanity might end and then there you have it--world peace.
- Lots of money: It's nice, but it really doesn't solve the important problems, and it tends to lead to greed.
- A job that I enjoy and can support myself/gain stability with: Yeah, that's a good one, but that's something I can do myself.
- A child for Dwana and Eric: Again, nice, but I have no doubt that this will happen without need for a leprecaun, either naturally or through adoption. And you never know what that sort of open-ended wish can bring. She might wind up raising or brother after a tragedy or something equally traumatic.
- The end of suffering: That one's easy, but usually it works because that which is suffering dies.
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