Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Happy Weekend

listening to: Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey (audiobook on the Lexington Public Library channel)
feeling: Nostalgic

  1. Old Navy:: Annoying (commercials)
  2. Out:: (of the) Closet
  3. Indecent:: Exposure
  4. UPN:: Star Trek
  5. Pupil:: Eye
  6. Toothpaste:: Crest
  7. 1999:: Space
  8. Passion:: Love
  9. Social security:: Card
  10. Cliff:: Diving

I've spent part of the day listening to one of my favourite books from my teenage years--Anne McCaffrey's Dragonsong. Written primarily from the point of view of a fifteen-year-old, it really sent me back to the same age, when I first read it. I think it helps to read it at that age; it really captures how teenage girls think.

It's been a nice weekend. Friday was Cranium night at a co-workers. Saturday I had a chance to get caught up on some sleep. Today was the Cthulhu game. Tomorrow I'm off from the hospital to take care of some errands. I need to see if I can work from home for KET tomorrow night if the errands run late, since they involve other people and it's a rare day when we're all off.

Yawn. I think I'll go ahead and turn in once I get to the end of the recording. It's winding down now. 'Night.

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