Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

'Step right up to the greatest show on earth. See a lady sawed in half—whoops, it’s the librarian!'

Anna Quindlen's latest column talks about the shell game our government is playing with public libraries, tax cuts, the war, etc. So the question is, in addition to voting the idiots out of office (which I will do my level, personal best to do as elections come up), what can we do to keep America's best qualities from crumbling away under rhetoric? What ever happened to honour and an attempt to make a better society for all? I have to admit, I'm getting very disillusioned with my country--but think it's time we started making it uncomfortable for the hustlers and the dealers to work on our street, don't you?

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