
Sunday, September 01, 2024


I have: 
  1. Washed the percolator and hand-washed dishes.
  2. Emptied,  loaded,  and run the dishwasher. 
  3. Made coffee for my roommate. 
  4. Woken him up.
  5. Stripped the bed and laundered the bedclothes in the washer. (They're in the dryer right now).
  6. Sorted and folded laundry from yesterday. 
  7. Woken my roommate. 
  8. Let out the dogs several times. 
  9. Listened to music.
  10. Tightened a loose leg on the living room farm table. The dogs keep knocking into it as they play.
  11. Mended two blouses. Why does my sewing kit,  which has 22 spools of thread,  not include navy? I even have chartreuse.  I have never worn chartreuse in my life. But at least those three years of home oeconomics/Future Homemakers of America membership paid off.
  12. Taken my oral meds and insulin.
  13. Taken items to the car.
  14. Took books back to and picked up a hold from the library.
  15. Gotten a new library card (my key one wouldn't scan anymore).
  16. Taken items to my storage unit.
  17. Retrieved the old game notebooks so I can look for something.
  18. Went to the store for tea and soda.
  19. Finally caffeinated/browsed the web.
Not bad so far.  Things also on my list today:
  1. Water plants.
  2. Clean bathroom.
  3. Print something from the desktop.
  4. Read.
  5. Straighten up room.
  6. Break down cardboard boxes and take them out to the recycling bin (also known as a Rosie here in Lexington).
  7. Find the missing game-related information.
  8. Zoom with my roommate to test something.
  9. Dust some bookshelves.
  10. Watch 'Midsomer Murders' during dinner.
  11. Feed the dogs and cat in the evening.
Thursday [I was off] I:
  1. Made coffee for my roommate.
  2. Woke him up.
  3. Let the dogs out several times. Fed the dogs and cat in the morning (I usually do evening).
  4. Caffeinated and browsed the web.
  5. Listened to music.
  6. Took a friend out to the Indian restaurant (Masala) for his birthday.
  7. Went to the store.
  8. Watched 'Midsomer Murders' during dinner.
  9. Cleaned the percolator and washed any plastics.
  10. Took my meds (morning and night).
Friday [I was off] I:
  1. Made coffee for my roommate.
  2. Fed the dogs and cat [morning and evening] and let the dogs out several times.
  3. Ran dishwasher.
  4. Woke him up for class.
  5. Caffeinated and browsed the web.
  6. Listened to music.
  7. Took a friend to get his hair cut.
  8. Did a lot of laundry.
  9. Picked up some meds.
  10. Took expired meds to the pharmacy for disposal.
  11. Cleaned the percolator and washed any plastics.
  12. Took my meds (morning and night).
Saturday I:
  1. Slept in.
  2. Made coffee for my roommate.
  3. Fed the dogs and cat [both morning and evening] and let the dogs out several times.
  4. Ran the dishwasher.
  5. Caffeinated and browsed the web.
  6. Did a lot of laundry.
  7. Make a bank deposit.
  8. Trimmed my nails because I couldn't type anymore comfortably.
  9. Took a shower.
  10. Made banana nut bread.
  11. Watched 'Midsomer Murders' during dinner.
  12. Took my meds (morning and night).
Things for tomorrow (Labour Day]:
  1. Make coffee for my roommate.
  2. Run the dishwasher.
  3. Caffeinate and browse the web.
  4. Listen to music.
  5. Pull out things in the utility room.
  6. Get the vacuum out of the shed.
  7. Move the dryer (with help).
  8. Clean out the lint hose and exhaust. It never has been in all the time he's had the house, since about 2005, and the other day we were talking about appliance fires and thought perhaps it would be good. It's also why we're running the dishwasher in the morning rather than while we sleep.
  9. Read.
  10. Take a shower.
  11. Watch 'Midsomer Murders' during dinner.
  12. Feed the dogs and cat in the evening.
  13. Let the dogs out often.
  14. Launder the rest of my bedding.
  15. Watch 'Meet the Robinsons' (maybe).
Not bad for my little vacation. Mind you, our air conditioning is out (for the second time this summer--the first time a dog chewed the wires; I suspect there's something wrong with the thermostat this time] and it's been 85°-95°F inside. We've all been very hot during the heatwave, which has had heat indices in the hundred-and-something range outside. Fortunately, we do have fans. Hopefully, we'll be able to afford to have it looked at and fixed soon.

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