
Sunday, June 16, 2019

My list got waylaid

by a tiny kitten. I'll work on the other things later. In the meantime, I'm enjoying tiny meows and purring, punctuated by the occasional hissing of the other feline denizens of the house. But so far, everyone's behaved themselves. :) But all that's left is the photos (which I've set the goal of finishing by end of summer, and I'm halfway there already), watering the plants (I can do that tomorrow--it'll give the water I filled up a little more time to outgas), and reading (and I'm educating myself for the purposes of a potential job, and that doesn't close till late July). The bills can wait till tomorrow, as nothing can be mailed out until Monday anyway. So I got the pressing things done, and the plants can wait till tomorrow. So all is good. Plus, kitten!!!

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