Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, July 14, 2014

Oh, it is so good to be able to stretch out

This morning the first work I did was to go through a closet filled with boxes of books, unpack several boxes,  put the books on a cart, and then transfer them to a cart in the clinic,  where they give them to the kids when they come for their appointments. It took awhile,  but the cart is now full and the clinic folks are happy.  But I felt like I got a real workout this morning, and,  of course,  you lift properly from your knees,  so it was really rough on the injured one.  I can't believe I am saying this,  but I am looking forward to the surgery in a couple of weeks and hopefully the end to the pain that has been limiting me compared to what I'd like to do, as well as keeping me from doing normal daily tasks without pain. Now it is nice to be able to elevate my legs and really stretch. I am all comfy in bed,  listening to the radio. :) Soon I will turn it off and sleep,  though.

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