Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Almost too tired to blog

I don't often blog on game Sundays, and to be honest I'm doing it from bed at the moment, having brought the laptop in here instead of setting it back up in the living room. I have returned home with clean laundry, the laptop case with computer and voice recorder so I can work on notes, as well as a lunch bag full of food and my purse. So I had quite a bit to bring in, although only the computer was particularly heavy, as I have a book in the bag I meant to show Brenda on small-scale gardening. That's twice I've brought it and I've forgotten to show her.

I did get with her about taking me to surgery, and formally asked YKWIA if he would come, too, since he's my medical surrogate. A is going to come over by bus when he gets off work and stay overnight with me.

I have to admit, I am a little nervous about the surgery and recovery. But with any luck it should go fine. I hope so, anyway. I have to be there very early on Friday morning, so I really appreciate Brenda and YKWIA taking me. I did overdo things a bit while cleaning today, and my knee hurts and my feet are very swollen, so I'm going to elevate my leg and ice my knee a bit. I've already made the switch from ibuprofen to acetaminophen in terms of preparing for the surgery (ibuprofen works best for me in terms of pain, but as an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it can make bleeding more likely if you take it before surgery). Here are some other things I need to do by Friday:
  • Go to the pharmacy and get prescription refills for three people, including myself.
  • Pay bills.
  • Get an extra key, either from Brandon or, if he can't get it to me, I'll have to have one made for A in case he needs it.
  • Get some things out of the walk-in closet I might need for recovery, like a shower chair and bedside commode (that goes over the regular toilet so I don't have to bend so far at the knee).
  • Get absolutely as much as I can do at work for the week in four days.
  • Make sure everything is ready at work in terms of backup in case I can't come back as quickly as I expect.
  • Work out who will get YKWIA (either Brenda can get him on the way, or I could go get him that morning and meet her at my apartment).
  • Get some documents together in case they are needed.
  • Get the house ready for company.
  • Put the sprayer on the kitchen faucet for bathing/washing hair.
  • Make sure there is plenty of easy-to-make food, as A does not cook and I probably won't feel up to even trying.
  • Blow up the air bed on Thursday night and put sheets, etc., on it, so A can stay the night comfortably.
  • Move the laptop back to the bedroom Thursday night.
  • Get the bedroom ready, making sure I have plenty of pillows, books to read, water bottle, etc.
  • Lay out comfy clothes for the surgery the night before, transfer my purse stuff to a backpack, and have the walker ready to take even though I hopefully won't need it.
Meanwhile, here's to celebrating the first moon walk (and not the Michael Jackson kind) 45 years ago this evening, and I'm sorry to hear that actor James Garner had died. RIP. I think that's it for the night. I was going to write something else, but I must confess it's fled my mind. I guess I'm really sleepy. I'm going on to bed. Good night!

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