Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, March 23, 2012

Not feeling well

I was in the library alone finishing up my data entry sheets when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest going down my right arm. My back hurt, I became nauseous, light-headed, and my head hurt. I sat there for a few minutes debating as to whether I was having a heart attack or if it were merely gas pain, doing the 'I don't want to be a bother if it's nothing, but I don't want to die, either' thing. Then I got up and went to the unit and became much more dizzy and flushed. They took my blood pressure, which was something like 165/86, much high for me, but my pulse was okay, and they said it's more dangerous to have the numbers very close together. My blood sugar was 264, which isn't all that unusual for me, but they were freaking out and telling me to take some insulin, which I did. Once I felt a little better, one of my co-workers took me on home a few minutes early.

My ankles are also swollen (they do that in the summer, and we've had unseasonably warm weather). I'm feeling better now, but it was a little unnerving. I'll check my blood sugar in a little while, since I took the insulin without eating anything, to make sure I don't go too low. And if any of the symptoms worsen, I'm a block from a hospital emergency room. So we'll see. I really want to lie down, but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. But I think I will put my feet up for awhile using the recliner on the loveseat.

I am so glad it's Friday. It's been a very long week, and I'm glad to see it go. I've worked hard, been very busy, and today was no exception. I'm finally getting my full time in (well, I was short 15 minutes for this week coming home early, but I can make that up easily next week). But I kind of feel like I can't get ahead in what I'm doing, at least when it comes to part of my job, not on the library front, but the other. Plus, we've had a lot of people using the library lately (which is very good), so there's always something going on, virtually every moment, and I am constantly on the alert for patrons in need of assistance, which is probably good for me.

This weekend I have to finish some book selections for an outside project, a book review for a library journal, get a couple of things from the store and take them to a friend, try to get sticky footprints from disintegrating shoes off a floor, visit a bit, and hopefully on Sunday play the game. Plus it's time to do more laundry, and there's the game notes. So again, lots to do.

But right now, I'm putting my feet up and maybe I'll read (and not as a euphemism for going to sleep), or I might play 'Angry Birds: Space', which is incredible fun, especially now that there are gravity wells to deal with. Maybe that will relax me and bring down my blood pressure.

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