Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

In honour of a friend

who somehow managed to lose his Blackberry phone down a storm drain yesterday. I know I feel uneasy when I don't have my phone with me, or back when my one phone died, even though I managed to live nearly 33 years without a cell phone and I know it's rather irrational to worry or feel bereft.

Rise in nomophobia: fear of being without a phone

'Nomophobia', by the way, unlike true phobias, doesn't have a nifty Greek name. The 'nomo' comes from 'no mobile'. Harumph.

Anyway, I hope my friend manages to get another phone soon. He's the only real person who texts me. [Most others are from T-Mobile or the Weather Channel]. :)

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