Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I haven't even begun to put a dent in my RSS reader

After you get 1000 posts in Google Reader, it just gives you '1000+' as your number of news feeds. So mine's firmly been stuck on this for two days now. Almost 900 of that is from MSNBC and BBC, and unfortunately they're under a week old, so I can't just mark them as read without skipping some good stuff that might be worth talking about here. So, I guess tonight there will be a marathon news read. As a result, you'll probably see quite a few posts.

Last night I was asleep by nine and never did really get back up longer than to go to the bathroom and feed the fish. I am hungry, but didn't really want to fix oatmeal today for breakfast. I got a little of the living room straightened up last night before I fell asleep, and an aloe vera replanted.

I really needed to do laundry this morning, but didn't get up early enough to do it, so I'm wearing my pink shirt with sequined butterflies (okay, not so much the thing you normally see when there's snow on the ground, but I ask you, when is a better time for sequined butterflies?)

Okay, it's almost time to go to work, so I must go put the other layers of clothing on. It is 7 degrees outside (Fahrenheit, and that's NOT wind chill). Hope you have a great day.

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