Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, May 17, 2010

So far I'm on schedule

Today I actually have an evening at home to enjoy. So far today I:
  1. woke up early enough that I didn't have to rush to the bus stop.
  2. was fairly productive at work.
  3. picked up five medications from the pharmacy. Thank goodness for flexible spending accounts!
  4. went to the library to pick up some books.
  5. came home.
My plans:
  1. Take a short 30-minute nap.
  2. Do laundry.
  3. Call my grandmother and see how she's doing.
  4. Clean at least part of the house, including picking up the living room, cleaning the bathroom, and doing dishes.
  5. Work on game notes.
  6. Catch up on 'Doctor Who' (I'm three episodes behind!)
It sounds doable, anyway. We'll see. The nap is the dangerous part--I rarely take less than a 45-minute to an hour's nap. :)

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