Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I never got vaccinated for smallpox, although I was old enough for it

But I was sick when I was supposed to go, and then when we went back they'd stopped giving it. So I grew up being the only child in class I knew without the scar. Back in the Cold War I fretted over my lack of immunity in case of bioterrorism (see, it isn't new, we had terrorism in the 70s). Not that it matters that much; those vaccinated when they still gave it are probably no longer immune. But then there's this little bit of news:

Smallpox demise linked to spread of HIV infection
Experts say the vaccine used to wipe out smallpox offered some protection against the Aids virus and, now it is no longer used, HIV has flourished.

The US investigators said trials indicated the smallpox jab interferes with how well HIV multiplies.

But they say in the journal BMC Immunology it is too early to recommend smallpox vaccine for fighting HIV.

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