Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I'm home alone this New Year's (except for Cerys, of course, who's curled up on the bed looking quite sweet). Fireworks are going off outside. I didn't get a chance to see the ball drop in New York City on TV thisyear, so it's a good marker of the passing of one year to the next.

They say whatever you're doing at the changing of the year you'll do throughout the year. I was on the computer searching online. Go figure. In a little while, once things die down in terms of partying, I'll take an offering of wine out to Hekate, who guards liminal points, of which the changing of the year is one. In the meantime I'm drinking some sparkling grape juice (which is actually rather nasty--I should have gone with the apple cider) and having my own private celebration. I would have liked to have spent New Year's with others, but of my friends only one is unattached, and really couples should spend New Year's together, and no one needs a third wheel. And I'm generally not the type to seek out the company of strangers (except that one inexplicable New Year's where I allowed a couple of neighbours to kidnap me downtown for the celebrations. I don't know if I was blogging then; it was a little different).

I'm not making New Year's resolutions this year. I'm tired of manic lists that show all my goals that I'll never reach. I'm just going to try to do the things I know I should do better this year.

Well, wherever you are, have a very Happy New Year. Let's hope 2007 is a little more peaceful than 2006.

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