
Friday, October 28, 2022

I love this song

Diabetes is no fun

I hate when my blood sugar goes south. If you've never had it happen, it's hard to explain. I get dizzy and unsteady, and I perspire but my hands and feet get cold and numb, and I just feel like my brain is mush and can barely function. Just now I had an episode where I was falling fast and got the special alarm that tells me on my monitor. It went down to 47, and after a banana, a pear, a frozen fruit pop, and glucose tablets, it's 78 and finally rising. Even once it levels off, I'll feel really hungover and unwell. It's so frustrating. I didn't take extra insulin, and I ate both breakfast and some lunch [and even skipped the short-acting insulin for lunch]. It happened yesterday at work, too, while I was at the sign-in desk, and I ate nearly an entire sleeve of glucose tablets to bring it up after 45 minutes. It should pop up in about 15 minutes. I'm going to dial back on my long-acting insulin some more. I think that will help.