
Thursday, November 08, 2001

My apologies--it's been days sinced I blogged, primarily because every ounce of energy was poured into the dreaded (but incredibly fun) Harry Potter party I put on November 3rd. I'm just now beginning to recuperate. I especially want to thank Zabet and her hubby for helping me with the remaining backdrops for the houses. They both did a great job, especially by incorporating previous artwork into their scenes--creating starry windows for Ravenclaw and googly-eyed snakes for Slytherin. The kids had a blast, the parents were very happy, and those of us who made it happen crashed afterwards flushed with success.

Anyway, over the next few days I'll try to get back on track. One good thing is that I've now gone to my DBT class several times and after an intitial emotional response, I'm discovering that it's rather soothing. I was still on a major adrenaline rush all Monday and didn't relax until some point during the therapy session. It is almost like a life skills class. We've been practicing mindfulness (finding inner peace, trying to balance between the emotional and reasonable sides of the mind, and doing things one at a time with our whole attention--which is really hard for me. I have trouble eating without reading, listening without drawing, etc. But it seems to be working to a point. My memory of the last couple of weeks seems stronger than it has been recently, for example. The whole point, really, is to live your life rather than coast through it reacting to things that may or may not be real. So often I think I know what someone is thinking, feeling, etc., and my fear of abandonment/rejection/criticism means I take things way too personally, which only makes a situation worse. So, for now, it seems to be making sense.

Favourite thing that I've seen all week: Buffy, the Musical. Yes, our intrepid vampire slayer and her friends have shown that they call also burst randomly into song and spill their deepest emotional angst. (Hmmm....maybe I should try that?) I particularly like Anja's theory that it must be bunnies, and the animated effects reminiscent of Disney as a lesbian couple are skipping through the park. Even if you aren't a fan of the show, you should try to catch the repeat of this one. :)

Well, that's all for now. I'd better run....