Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Well, so much for intending to write something meaningful yesterday

It was much busier than I expected. Of course, I don't blog at work, and then there was the grocery run. I spent a little time on the computer, but mostly talked with a friend on the phone. So, sorry about that.

I'm home a little early because of a computer issue that kept me from working very far on my secondary duties. I lucked out, thinking to catch the 5:50 bus and catching the 5:30 one instead, which was running late, although the bus was in the wrong lane and the driver had to get over to get me. I'm very thankful, as it was snowing (and no, although I got my snow boots yesterday, I didn't wear them, as it was fine this morning and there was no hint of snow in the forecast I read.) Traffic was very bad tonight. I don't know if that's just rush hour and I usually don't see it (since I go to work mid-morning and come home late evening) or if the snow was causing people to freak. They do that here sometimes. They're probably getting gas, milk, and bread, too, and it'll probably just stay a dusting.

Angie, the lady who was bringing me home Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, actually had her last day yesterday. The temp agency gave her a new placement but she had to be able to start today. Since it was originally going to be the 10th, I didn't get a chance to get her a thank you present, and we didn't ride together last night because Brenda was picking me up to do the big grocery run. I did stop by on my way out, but she'd already left. But we said goodbye over e-mails, at least. It's not really the same.

Oh, I have lots of stuff to do. I need to do laundry. I need to work on game notes. I need to check websites for a friend. I need to wash my dishes. I'd like to watch 'Tower Prep'. I don't feel like doing anything right now. It's just nice to be warm and snuggy. I've ordered pizza for now, and I'm going to listen to some soothing music, just chill and have a nice transition from work. Tomorrow is our holiday dinner and talent show. The chef asked me if I'd like them to fix some fish since I don't eat red meat. I said yes and thanked her very much. She's really attentive to vegetarian stuff. They often have veggie burgers when they have the other burgers, for example.

Okay, I think I'll put on some music and just sit in the recliner and vegetate for a bit. I will try to write more later, really. I need to go through my Google Reader feeds, too. :)

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