Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A beautiful foggy morning to be up early

So, the trash is out and the laundry (well, a load) is in the dryer. The granny cart was useful for both. I did dishes last night, so the only ones left are the few that aren't dishwasher safe. I've had a banana, packed up my library books to take back (the library is right next to the bus stop). Oh, and I made the bed for the first time in months. Go, me. I need to make sure I take my work shirt and shoes, along with the braces, etc., since I have to be at the gas station by 3 pm and I get off at the hospital about 2:30.

I wonder what they're having for lunch in the cafeteria today. Maybe I should take a lunch just in case. Most of my portable food is in the form of snacks, though, like chips or popcorn. Everything else has to be cooked. I have some Indian food in a package, but it doesn't come with rice, but maybe I can make some tonight and take it tomorrow. It comes with a mini-CD of Indian music, which is a little weird but appreciated. :)

I am looking forward to getting to the hospital and tackling some projects now that I feel somewhat revitalised by the weekend. Among other things I have to order some books for our family resource centre and catalogue more for the library proper. I'm actually cataloguing the collection on LibraryThing. We only need basic entries and it's only $15 a year for a non-profit. The only problem is that since we use National Library of Medicine classification, I have to put that in the comments field, since Dewey and Library of Congress are already listed.

Okay, time to get ready for work. Hope you have a great day.

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