Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cleaning out my to-blog list

Google and Microsoft Look to Change Health Care

How would you feel about being able to easily search all your health information and have it at your fingertips? Sound good? Well, yes and no...what about privacy. Two juggernauts are heading towards changing health care.

Is Parental Age Related to Autism Risk?

Oddly enough, maternal education, when adjusted for age and other factors, correlated with increased autism in children. Paternal education had no significant effect.

Democratic hopefuls grilled on gay rights

Kucinich still has my vote, at least through the primary, because he's for gay marriage. I'm not impressed with the Big Three's take on civil unions being adequate and Richardson really flubbed his chances with me with a slur which he then tried to backpedal out of.

Library Time Line

Did I post this already? It's a cool site, giving important dates in the history of libraries.

Here Come the Cyberchondriacs

More people are looking up medical information before seeing their doctor.

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