Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, March 23, 2007

My thoghts are with the Edwards family

Edwards: Wife's cancer returns, campaign goes on

It's a shame that Elizabeth Edwards' cancer has returned. Edwards is my second choice for President (well, really the main choice, as much as I like Dennis Kucinich, whom I voted for in the primary last election and will probably do so again, I can't see him going all the way to the general election in 2008. We'll see. But I do like Edwards, especially since he seems to be reaching out towards those of us who are liberals. I can't say I care for Hillary Clinton, although I do like Barak Obama. It'll be difficult to choose. I prefer those who are opposed to the war, obviously, and who are progressive in their leanings, or at least liberal on social issues. I suppose right now I'd have to rank them Kucinich, Edwards, and Obama. That may change, depending on how the campaigns go and how much more I learn about the candidates' positions.

I know it will be very hard for Edwards to maintin his campaign and balance his family duties, but I'm impressed he's going to try.

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