Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, March 19, 2007

The horror is unfolding in the game

and I must admit, I'm terribly hooked. One character has already had her entire gastrointestinal tract replaced by insectoid Fungi from Yuggoth (aka Mi-Go). Another got attacked by a gelatinous gooey thing of proto-matter, which fortunately wasn't successful. My character is without his trusty sword. We've got a teenager whose pregnancy has lasted three weeks but she's 6 months' along and an entire board of aldermen who no doubt are hooked up together in brain cases broadcasting as part of a group mind and controlling those townsfolk most vital to our investigation. What joy. And that's just the game itself, not the non-game conversations that hurt my brain. But I do love it. :)

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