Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How awful to go through this again

CNN.com - DA: New trial for Andrea Yates

But I always thought Andrea Yates belonged in a treatment facility rather than behind bars. She seems to genuinely have been in a psychotic state at the time she killed her children; nothing that the state of Texas can do to her can change what happened or can be worse than the horror she may feel when no longer under psychosis.

I also always believed that her husband, while not directly to blame, shared some of the burden for the type of environment she and her children were in.

I wish there was a good outcome in this, but there isn't, is there? It's just a shame. But I'm glad she didn't get the death penalty, and I hope if retried she gets the helps she needs rather than that.

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