Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, May 02, 2003

You are getting sleepy...

I don't know why, but I feel like I could sleep for aeons. I guess it's been a long week. I'm SOOOO glad it's the weekend. Dwana and I ran a few errands. I picked up the rabies tag I'd left at the vet, picked up my medicine from the pharmacy, and refilled my cell phone. (Apparently VoiceStream has an annual deal where if you get one of the cards they double the amount in your account plus some extra. They did the same thing last year. So, for $25 I got $60 worth of phone calls. Not bad. I seem to be rolling in specials lately, which is good; eating a non-allergy diet means shopping at the co-op, which I love but which is just more expensive than Kroger's. I spent more in the last month there than I probably had the previous three months. Of course, I was out of almost everything, so that made it worse. I did try to at least load up on things like rice/spelt flour rather than spending $5 on a loaf of bread, though.)

Dwana and I hit Kroger and I got some heavier things that I couldn't take with me on the bus yesterday, including 80lbs of potting soil for only $5. When we left, we got caught in a torrential downpour. We hung out under the overhang waiting for it to let up, where, as she put it, we got caught with the freaks. There was one lady who was just sort of randomly talking, we think to a Kroger employee, who in turn was just plain creepy and acted as if no one around him existed, and an older man who seemed a little off, too. It was lightning all over the place. Fortunately it eased up and I think Dwana decided she'd rather take her chances with the lightning then continuing with the odd group with us. We did pretty well with the groceries but when we tried to get my potting soil the sky opened up again. For some reason whenever the two of us get together it seems to become an adventure. :)

When I got home I went ahead and threw some laundry into the machines a couple of buildings over. That room is usually locked in the afternoon but was open tonight, and deserted. I came back and put the potting soil in some pots and spread some of it out on one side my garden. Tomorrow I'll plant start some seeds. I also transplanted my golden eggplant seedlings into bigger pots. Rather than pulling out some of the seedlings and pitching them I divied them up into three pots, two plants to a pot. So eventually I might have a lot of eggplant.

Now my laundry's finished and I'm catching up on news online. I was amazed at the hiker who cut his arm off with a pen knife to save himself (he'd been pinned under a half-ton rock for days and had run out of water). Now that's a will to live! Of course, you have to be a touch crazy to have climbed nearly 50 mountains out in Colorado. As much as I sometimes grouse about how I need to live more fully and experience life's adventure, that would be a little much for me. And even if I were dying of thirst and starvation, I'm not sure if I could have done what he did. Wow.

Anything else? Oh, yes...not that the correct party will ever read this, but:

To the person who dumped some sort of toxic chemical near the little stream I always blog about (remember the call to DEEM a couple of days ago?), how dare you do such a thing. I have no idea what it was, but whatever it is, it has killed not only a large swath of grass and now a large honeysuckle bush. Nothing kills honeysuckle! One day it was blooming, the next it was a dried, brown bush. That's bad enough, but that bush is at the top of a culvert that runs under Richmond Road. It's the place I tend to stop and watch the frogs and fish, and sometimes pray. I have no idea if this stuff has contaminated the stream, with its fish, frogs, ducks, and assorted flora and fauna at risk--or whether it may make its way into the nearby reservoir and the rest of the watershed. But I find it ironic that we have police who protect our drinking water from terrorists 24/7 and yet some bozo can make a quick stop and dump and do just as much damage (if not more so). This spot is in front of a house surrounded by a wooded area, directly between apartments and a children's hospital. Why on earth would anyone dump there? Nor could it have just rolled off--the drum was pushed down the hill in the opposite direction than if it had fallen, and some was spilled even at the shoulder of the road. There's some ring of hell for someone who cares so little for the Earth and those of us who people Her. While he or she may not be traced, I hope somewhere the karmic balance thudded in response.

Okay, that's enough ranting for now. I think I'm going to take a nice hot bath and get into something comfy (and still warm from the laundry). 'Night.

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