Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Getting back on track

Sorry I haven't posted; life (as usual) got in the way. Turns out I'm not the only one; Friday Five took the week off, so I grabbed the same questions Dreaded Purple Master used this week, since I haven't answered them. Here goes:

1. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? It would be a toss-up between squirrel and squid. The first was an occasional meal my grandfather acquired before he gave up hunting after coming out of the woods into a clearing surrounded by a whole bevy of federal, state, and local lawmen with guns looking for marijuana growers. Unlike my mother, however, I did not crack open the skull and eat the brains (and a good thing, too--we have some sort of mad-cow-like disease that hits people in this area linked to squirrel brains). As a child I had a rule about eating internal organs. The second was something a Japanese-American co-SCAer (member of the Society for Creative Anachronism) brought to a potluck for the shire meeting. I know some people think of it as a delicacy, but I just never could get over the texture. I never liked clams or oysters, either. Unlike dpm, I could not begin to eat shark--I dissected them in high school right before lunch and thought I'd never get the oil smell off my hands. Have I mentioned I'm a vegetarian now?

2. Name one (material) thing you can't live without. The written word. If I'm not reading a book or a computer screen, I'm reading the backs of cereal boxes. If I were on a deserted isle, I'd have to write out stuff just to read.

3. Name something you've always wanted to do but didn't have time for. Travel around the world, to every country. Oh, wait, that takes money, too. :(

4. What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do? Belly-dance in public.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Saturday: grocery shopping (yeah, boring, right?) Sunday: playing Call of Cthulhu.

[Note: Actually, I wound up being invited over to Zabet and Hubby's for omelets Saturday, where I introduced them to the movie Evolution (which, if you haven't seen it, is hilarious) and they treated me to the movie Monsoon Wedding (which was great). Then we watched the "Great Conjunction" of planets from the arboretum, stopped by said grocery, and then I finished reading Caress of Twilight. Unfortunately, I didn't game Sunday because one of the players had to sell her sheep to a passing petting zoo (I'm NOT making this up) and we're at a crucial point where the gang has to save my character before she (who's actually shape-changed to a he at the moment) is sacrificed. We decided to wait until next week to storm the castle in the fens, and my companions, both of whom are X-Men purists, discussed the fine points of the various incarnations of the series and other Marvel titles while I discovered my dog likes Wint-o-Green Lifesavers (R) and played Mah-jongg on a PDA. And these are my non-geekazoid friends. Hmmm....]

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