Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, May 26, 2002

I am being thwarted by the US government...

One of the things I have on the docket this weekend is to go through and get all of my student loans finally consolidated. I started the process last November but messed everything up because I didn't realise I was supposed to send in a vital piece of information. Now, I'm raring to go, have all the info I need, and I find that my PIN doesn't work. Sigh. The good news is that the federal government is holding off issuing the payments for consolidation (but still letting you apply, etc.) because as of July 1st the rates are going to go down to a ridiculously low number. Given the price of my education (I owe as much as many doctors), this is a very good thing. Want to check it out? Go to the Department of Education's Direct Loan Consolidation website for more information. Also, I'm glad that (at least in theory) I can finally go to one database and find out who has what. I literally have boxes worth of mailings that I've saved during my many years of grace period (15 years of college, scary, isn't it?) Now I can (hopefully) chuck them soon, as they'll be out of date. And there was much rejoicing!!!

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