Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, January 21, 2018

It's kind of wrong

When the Saturday Night Live skits, which traditionally make fun of various aspects of the Presidents' lives, even exaggerating such things as Ford's tripping or Bush's lack of elocution, are instead reduced to commentary on how bizarre, ridiculous, and scary this Presidency is and how nothing matters in terms of crossing lines and having any real import, in terms of public opinion, or in terms of legal or diplomatic consequences. And in the end, it seems this Presidency is such a joke (although a truly cruel one) that even SNL has issues with making it all funny. Basically, in this skit, the President's base and Fox News will continue to put some sort of spin on things and look away, and the ones who are appalled with it are left to drink and curl up into a little ball.

I hope that the fatalism does not mean that change is unattainable. I hope people vote this year and make a difference in the legislative branch, at least. We'll see.

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