Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well, if they haven't figured it out

I just posted this on Twitter:
A little late for National Coming Out day, but there's a great hashtag: #STR8againstH8. (Can I still tweet it if I'm bi?) :)
After hitting the button to post, it occurred to me that my Twitter posts go directly to my Facebook account. Now, on my Facebook profile it does say that I am interested in both men and women, but that's easy to overlook, whereas a post is not.

My mother, aunts, uncle, and cousins are all on Facebook, and while I haven't actively hidden my sexuality, it hasn't really come up, seeing as I haven't dated since 1994 and never seriously enough after my divorce to bring anyone home to meet the family.

So, while it was a bit late, I guess if they didn't know already, I kind of came out to my family via Twitter/Facebook. Ah, social media. :)

PS Whereas Monday was Coming Out Day, today (October 12th) is the 12th anniversary of the death of Matthew Shepard, who was murdered for being gay. Please keep him and the others who have lost their lives due to hate in your thoughts today.

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