Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, man

I got home about 7:15 last night and took my contacts out, put on my jammies, ate a couple of tortillas, and went to bed, ostensibly for a couple of hours but I didn't set an alarm, because I'm not on a particular schedule today. I felt absolutely drained.

10 hours later, here I am.

I dreamt I heard the doorbell (it happens sometimes), so I got up and checked. Now I'm eating some vegetarian chili for breakfast, I was so hungry. I even found half a bottle of Diet Coke in the fridge. Blessed caffeine.

The only thing on the agenda today is to finish the game notes and take back the shoes I got last week, which need to be a little bigger. That means going back to the mall, but that's okay. I wasn't overwhelmed last week--it's not like post-Thanksgiving in terms of crowds, after all.

Today is a friend's birthday. He's finally caught up with me (we were born the same year). Happy Birthday!

Okay, I should probably go be productive, and try to resist going back to bed till it's light outside. I should also go charge my phone and turn off the aquarium light now that the fish have had a chance to feed.

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