Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, September 10, 2007

I really enjoyed the game today

It was full of the aftermath of having an insane secretary who thought a llama dairy farm is a great investment. It was a light, fun-filled but brain-hurting game as we get ready for...dum, dum, dum Beyond the Mountains of Madness, a very thick campaign set in Antarctica. After the game I watched the 4400. The season finale is next week and it promises to be exciting. I'd like to go back and watch the early episodes, which I missed. It looks like Sean's brother has the exact opposite power to Jordan Collier--he can induce promicin in others, and just like the injection, it can kill half the people exposed, including his mother. Ack! There's no way I would take a drug that half the time would mean I'd bleed from all my orifices and die, even if it could mean I had a special ability. And it's not like you're guaranteed a good ability. One woman caused her whole town to die of plague. I have to admit though, I'd be awfully tempted if the rate of death was low. I've always wanted to be special, which has often led to my downfall.

I enjoyed the game despite the fact that I had a horrible headache earlier, started my period with much cramping, generally felt under the weather, and am having a great deal of pain in my right foot. It feels like one of the top bones has been broken, even though I know that's probably not the case. I was stepped on by a very large person years ago and had trouble then. Maybe it's arthritis left over from that injury. I'm thinking of going to my podiatrist, though. On a good note, my shoulder, which was also causing pain seems much better. I've tried to protect it during lifting at work and generally give it a rest. I think I had tendonitis (or so my friend with some medical training diagnosed it as). I'm glad it cleared up.

Okay, enough with my litany of complaints.

Cerys and I scared a frog half to death when we went out tonight. Later, I gave my monthly libation to Hekate. All in all, it's been a pleasant day. Have a good night. It's almost time for me to turn in.

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