Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I signed up for an unexpected benefit yesterday

of working at the gas station--Tamiflu. In an effort to help curtail pandemic flu, our company is offering Tamiflu to employees so that they have it on hand when needed. (They are, of course, also advocating both seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccination as a preventative). But since Tamiflu works best by being used within the first 48 hours to help mitigate the course of the disease, they wanted us to have access to it in case we get sick. Since it's fairly expensive (and let's face it, gas station clerks don't get paid much, and part-timers don't get health care), they decided to make it available at no cost to the employee. There was a distribution back in the spring that I missed entirely, but they decided to offer it again, so I signed up for it. I had to fill out a questionnaire on my health, list medications, etc., and provide information so a doctor can contact me should he or she need additional information.

I've already had my seasonal flu shot. They have some of the live, attenuated nasal mist H1N1 vaccine at the hospital where I work, but I'm not a candidate because of the underlying conditions of asthma and diabetes. So the first clinic for the H1N1 shots that I'll be able to get to that's run by the health department is November 21st. I hope there will still be plenty of vaccine at that point.

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