Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bats! Bats!

One of my most precious memories related to bus stops involves a group of young men waiting at one, practicing rapping (they were actually pretty good, although I could have done without so much profanity), when a bat came flying out of nowhere and they scattered, crying 'Bat! Bat!'  Eventually they regrouped and wouldn't you know it, the bat came flying at them again.  Again they scattered. This went on a couple of more times until the bat became bored and flew away.  They were terrified of the bat (too much television I guess, and not enough documentaries in the mix).  I just stood where I was and was pleasantly amused.

Imagine if they'd been at Carlsbad Caverns when 500,000 bats emerged.  It was captured on thermal video and uploaded onto YouTube by The Scientist: Magazine of the Life Sciences.

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