Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I really like working with one of my new co-workers

but he's done a couple of things I've had to smack him gently down on. One was calling me 'Liz'. My first name is Elisabeth (Eilir is a middle name); shortened it is Lisa. No offence to those of you named Liz out in the world but every one I've known has been utterly insane, and the name has bad associations (I feel the same about Mary and Chris [of either gender]). The second thing he did was tonight he kicked me several times in my right ankle. I explained to him that he should stop and that he was kicking me on the ankle that's hurting so much right now. He apologised for both; turns out his daughter's middle name is 'Elisabeth' with an 's', and he thought my knees were bad and didn't realise he'd cause me pain, he was just joking around. So everything's fine, except my foot really hurts, but I think ibuprofen's the best response to being kicked in an inflamed tendon.

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