Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

L'Shanah Tovah

Happy Rosh Hashanah/Jewish New Year for those who celebrate it. Oh, and it's Ramadan as well. I'm not familiar with that enough to know whether to wish a Happy Ramadan or not, to be honest. I know there's fasting, but I don't know much else. I'd love to learn though, so drop me a line if you know.

I got a book the other day that is very helpful. It's What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don't? and it deals with social skills and ADHD. I highly recommend it. When I was a kid, I really didn't socialise much, and with ADHD, you miss a lot of the cues that other people learn without trouble. I grew into an awkward adult, and I think it's one reason I have social anxiety. I learnt a lot in my 20s and 30s though, thanks to a good teacher, so I'm not hopeless. Still, I see a lot of the subtle things I have to work on, like timing in conversations, picking up the subtext of feelings, not interrupting, that sort of thing. And of course, managing money and following through on projects. I've elicited feedback in the form of a questionnaire from the book from people whose opinions I trust and it's giving me a good idea of what to work on. Thank you all! The more I'm learning, the more I really feel relieved that maybe (as one book puts it) I'm not 'lazy, stupid, or crazy', but merely dealing with a deficit that can be overcome with medication, counseling, and hard work. Well, okay, I am a little crazy, but that's in addition to having ADHD. :D

The experiment went well, and all is fine. Life is pretty good right now and I think some boundaries are in place that weren't before.

What else? Next week I have a dental appointment, a counseling session, and meet with my psychiatrist to evaluate the ADDerall. I'm not feeling sleepy or dopey anymore, which is good, just calm. I think my body is getting used to it, and I've noticed I seem to be able to focus better. I've been cataloguing, which I love and yet can be tedious, but I've gotten dozens of books into the catalogue so far, and I'll be plugging along for awhile.

Well, that's all for now. I've got to get ready for work.

PS 4:34 pm. In the midst of cataloguing today (I'm up to 125 books in about a week), I came across two workbooks, one on self-control for kids with ADHD and one on social skills. Strange coincidence. I didn't know we even had these.

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