Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, October 29, 2004

I like how our ballots look

Sample Ballot for Cove Lake Precinct, Lexington/Fayette County

We've had electronic voting for years, but it's not on a screen. Rather, a putty-coloured board has the above printed on it, making it easy to read. You press the box next to the candidate you choose, and a red light lights up to show that you have made your choice. You can change votes easily by pressing another toggle box. When you're finished, you press a big button to register the votes and that's it. :) Mine is very straightforward this year...I still need to find out about the Board of Education race, and that's it. Otherwise, I know my votes.

If you're in Kentucky and want to see a sample ballot for your own precinct, go to http://sos.ky.gov/electionballots/

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