Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, February 17, 2002

Striking a blow against librarian stereotypes...

I've added a lot of various librarian-related sites along the left menu to give you an idea of what sort of people librarians are really like (and to remind me that I'm not so crazy, after all). Looking on the sites, I realise that I've never fully appreciated that I am part of a subculture by virtue of my training/profession that is terribly misunderstood. I mean, we all have conceptions of what a doctor, nurse, or firefighter does. Lawyers tend to get a bad rap, but they're compensated with money and status. Librarians are about as underappreciated as teachers, but we're seen as stuffy, whereas a good teacher can be "cool". Of course, really smart people quickly realise that a librarian can make their lives much easier without shhshing them one bit. So, feel free to check these links out, and hopefully, they'll open your eyes to the variety of librarian species out there. Indeed, it's really hard to come up with a "typical" librarian. I've known raging radicals and frothing right-wingers, all sorts.


Looking for a behind-the-scenes look at the Winter Olympics?

Try b-may's blog. He's very good at seeing the humour in life (and if you're working security at the Olympics, you need it). Enjoy.

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