Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sometimes you can be so intent on something

that the obvious escapes you. Blogger has a new feature that allows you to share posts through a variety of ways: via e-mail, blogging about it, sharing it on Facebook or Google Buzz, or tweeting about it. This buttons are now located at the end of each post.

To get them there, however, I had to reset my blog template and clear my cache, but it didn't appear to work. So I reset the widgets as well, as per the Real Blogger Status blog's directions (a very useful blog, by the way). No dice. Then I went back to the Page Elements settings and found that I'd unchecked the box next to that particular function, since it hadn't been showing up anyway. :| So I checked it again, and everything works. I was half afraid I'd wipe out the whole blog just to get a few buttons on there. Fortunately I backed up the template and the content of the blog is backed up itself at least through May. I probably need to back up June. But all eight-almost-nine years' worth is stored on my computer and on an external hard drive, too.

Anyway, enjoy, and share!

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