Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A really nice day, kind of lucky even

I took an earlier bus over to the bank (it's just about two blocks, but that way I don't have to walk in the bicycle lane on Richmond Road; there's no sidewalk for about half of it). The bus overshot my stop but let me off a little ways from it, and on my way I ran into a former co-worker who offered to wait for me and then take me to work. The teller went ahead and cashed that $10 cheque despite the fact that I didn't have that much in my account, so I had something to eat on today. Fortunately I get paid tonight and tomorrow night. I got to work almost a half hour early and decided to wait to clock in and just have breakfast, which instead of my normal Pop-Tart was a bagel, cream cheese, blackberry preserves, a banana, and blueberry yoghurt. As a consequence I ate lunch later than usual. I sent off the request to have those cheques re-sent. I got quite a bit done for the library, including some more cataloguing and shelving. It occurred to me about 20 minutes before it was time for my break and then transferring to the data entry job that our book vendor is running a special 22% discount on one book order until July 31st, which is almost upon us, so that's on the agenda tomorrow.

After work I took the bus home and stopped by the library, where I discovered I missed an e-mail on a book hold and had been charged a fee. I'm usually good about getting my holds; this one had a fairly long queue and I guess I missed the e-mail. So I paid the fine and had them renew my books, which all come due this week (there are three; just because I have a Kindle doesn't mean I'm spurning libraries). Actually, I also managed to read one poem and short story by Poe and another short story by Conan Doyle, in between lunch and bus rides. I love being able to read on the bus, although I have to keep a sort of kinetic sense of the turns to remember to stop when I need to.

Oh, and I noticed on the walk home that our apartment complex has added Rosies to the dumpster area (Rosie is the name of our city's recycling container). Yay! It's an incentive to straighten up and get some of the paper I'm drowning in out of the house.

I must remember to call my doctor's office tomorrow and cancel or reschedule Thursday's appointment, which I can't make due to the new schedule. I also need to decide whether to go to a friend's on Wednesday or Friday; I'm leaning towards Friday, as I have that project to finish. I've done the research for most of it, and some outlining, I just need to go online and start typing. I'm going to start that in a little while.

Hope you had a nice day, too.

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