Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I didn't know we were supposed to get snow today, so imagine my surprise to find a nice coating of the white stuff over everything this morning. I'd say we've had about an inch and a half so far. Cerys cavorted in it, snowploughing through with her nose.

I'm looking forward to today. I work 9 hours at the gas station but otherwise have the day off from my swampahood (it's a long story...suffice to say I am a 'Swampa' and my indentured servitude is 'swampahood').

My cat is being very clingy, sitting on my chest as I type. I'm wondering if he doesn't feel good. He's fourteen after all, and skinny like an alley cat despite having plenty of food.

Well, I'd better go get ready for work. I'll type later. Bye.

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